Pack and send

ForwardVia pack and send your goods from the UK to worldwide. No membership fee, free sign up to get our UK address instantly.

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ForwardVia Pack and Send Your Goods from the UK to Australia

You have items you would like to pack and send to Aus­tralia. Pack­ag­ing is the first step towards ship­ping your items. Parcels bound for world­wide ship­ping espe­cial­ly to a far dis­tant coun­try like Aus­tralia need to be pro­tect­ed and pack­aged secure­ly to reach the final des­ti­na­tion safe­ly. It is nec­es­sary to ensure that the pack­ag­ing is stur­dy enough to pro­tect the goods inside. Once it is packed to sat­is­fac­to­ry stan­dard, the next step is to ship it. For­ward­Via offer tracked ship­ping of your goods via var­i­ous car­ri­ers, from bud­get to pre­mi­um options. The type of pack­ag­ing and the pack­ag­ing process are dif­fer­ent depend­ing on the goods. Let’s have a look at how we pack and send your goods.

Pack and Send Fragile Items to Australia

Frag­ile items needs to be han­dled with the utmost care; con­sid­er­ing its vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty towards break­age and get­ting dam­aged eas­i­ly. In par­tic­u­lar, when you pack and send antique, ceram­ics, chi­na and vas­es. Most couri­ers are care­ful, when han­dling pack­ages dur­ing tran­sit, but dam­ages can hap­pen if it is not suf­fi­cient­ly packed. For­ward­Via put extra care towards pack­ag­ing these items so that it arrives to you in con­di­tion as you would expect.

Here are some of For­ward­Vi­a’s process­es for pack­ing and send­ing frag­ile packages:

  • Use bub­ble wrap to wrap around your items to help keep it from get­ting dam­aged through­out the jour­ney to you
  • Use foam sheets or extra padding for addi­tion­al pro­tec­tion if needed
  • Pack into a stur­dy box and fill up any emp­ty spaces with pack­ing peanuts, air pil­lows or pack­ing paper
  • Seal box and add FRAG­ILE’ label on it
  • Last­ly, the shake test’! If the items in the box are loose or rat­tling around, it means that the pack­age will need redo­ing. Any­thing in the box that can move might dam­age or smash the frag­ile items in the box
  • It is rec­om­mend­ed to ship using a reli­able pre­mi­um couri­er and choose express deliv­ery, if avail­able. That way the man­u­al han­dling is kept to a min­i­mum when in transit.

Pack and Send Large Packages to Australia

When get­ting large item ready for ship­ping, we need to con­sid­er a few fac­tors. The fin­ished pack­age will need to be able to with­stand dif­fer­ent tem­per­a­ture and humid­i­ty changes, com­pres­sion from stack­ing of oth­er pack­ages, pos­si­bly of get­ting dropped from being moved about from con­vey­er belts and trucks due to its weight or size. Know­ing the jour­ney your large items will face when get­ting to you, we at For­ward­Via strive to min­imise the impact by pack­ing your items properly.

  • We only use cor­ru­gat­ed box­es strong enough to take the weight of a full load of pack­ages stacked on top of them. Depend­ing on size and weight of the items, we add extra lay­ers of card­boards to the bot­tom, top and some­times sides to cre­ate extra reinforcements
  • Your items will be wrapped and cush­ioned before going in the box for extra protection
  • If your items are too large to be boxed up, then we will use a pal­let instead. Again, your items will be secure­ly wrapped and pro­tect­ed with card­board padding on the pal­let before it is shipped
  • If you have mul­ti­ple large / heavy items, we will advise that be split. Over­ly heavy box­es are more like­ly to break or fall dur­ing ship­ment. Check out our top tips of buyign and ship­ping fur­ni­ture and large pack­ages.

Pack and Send Chilled Goods to Australia

For­ward­Via pack and send your tem­per­a­ture sen­si­tive goods from the UK to inter­na­tion­al des­ti­na­tions. This is par­tic­u­lar­ly an issue in coun­try where aver­age tem­per­a­ture over 30 degree Cel­sius, for exam­ple, dur­ing sum­mer in Aus­tralia. Some prod­uct espe­cial­ly food prod­uct may degrade dur­ing inter­na­tion­al tran­sit from the UK to hot’ des­ti­na­tion coun­tries.

At For­ward­Via, we pro­vide chilled pack­ing ser­vice, where we pack and send your tem­per­a­ture sen­si­tive goods with care ensur­ing it arrives in con­di­tion as you would expect. We reg­u­lar­ly pack and send choco­lates, super­mar­ket gro­ceries, pet food, and etc from the UK to var­i­ous coun­tries world­wide. Here are some of the steps we fol­low when pro­vid­ing chilled pack­ing service.

  • Pack frozen gel or liq­uid packs with pack­ing tem­per­a­ture sen­si­tive goods in a carton
  • Use alu­mini­um foil to wrap the carton
  • Dou­ble boxed and sep­a­rate the inter­nal and exter­nal car­ton with ther­mal insulator 
  • The above should help to keep the tem­per­a­ture of the con­tent to below 20 C

Pack and Send Dangerous Goods to Australia

Inter­na­tion­al Air Trans­port Asso­ci­a­tion, IATA, and Inter­na­tion­al Car­riage of Dan­ger­ous Goods by Road, ADR have strict rules in place when trans­port­ing these goods. There­fore, only those who are trained and cer­ti­fied in the UK can ship DG. For­ward­Via is ful­ly cer­ti­fied to ship dan­ger­ous goods from the UK to Aus­tralia. Some of the com­mon dan­ger­ous goods are per­fume, fra­grance, aerosol spray, paint, nail var­nish, devices con­tain­ing bat­tery, air bags. For more infor­ma­tion, please see our ded­i­cat­ed page on dan­ger­ous goods. Here are the steps to pack and send dan­ger­ous goods using ForwardVia.

  • Con­tact us at help@​forwardvia.​com and pro­vide us the item details (includ­ing Safe­ty Data Sheet, if avail­able), quan­ti­ty, weight/​volume and ship­ping city, postal/​zip code and country
  • If we can ship it, sim­ply sign up free here to get our UK address
  • Shop using the UK deliv­ery address and send us the dan­ger­ous goods or instruct us to col­lect from you
  • Once we have your goods, we pack it accord­ing to Dan­ger­ous Goods Reg­u­la­tions and pre­pare all the nec­es­sary paper­work to send it

Why use ForwardVia

Free storage

30 days free storage, or 60 days for Premium member if shipping

No Minimum Quantity

No quantity is too small or too big. We ship one parcel to hundreds of parcels at any one time


Trusted and Reliable

No nonsense forwarder. We treat your goods with the same care as our own.


No Surprise Fees

Simple pricing. Pay only shipping cost plus any other services, if required. Rates are clearly listed. Local tax not included.

Combine and save

Combining multiple packages may save up to 80% on shipping costs. Consolidate into one. We offer to unpack unnecessary packaging.

No Sign Up Fee

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ForwardVia Pack and Send fragile, large, chilled, dangerous goods to your door step

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