For­ward­Via Ship Per­fume and Oth­er Dan­ger­ous Goods Internationally

You can now shop perfume, batteries and other goods in the UK classifed as dangerous goods using ForwardVia's address, and we ship worldwide to your door step

Contact Us and Ship

For­ward­Via offer inter­na­tion­al par­cel for­ward­ing and reship­ping ser­vices from the UK to coun­tries world­wide. You can sign up free to get a UK address and shop per­fume, bat­ter­ies, hair spray and oth­er goods in the UK

For­ward­Via receive the per­fume and oth­er dan­ger­ous goods for you and we ship inter­na­tion­al­ly to your door step. For­ward­Via send per­fume, bat­ter­ies, nail var­nish, body and hair spray and oth­er goods clas­si­fied as dan­ger­ous goods from the UK. Ship­ping dan­ger­ous goods are not allowed to cer­tain coun­tries, sim­ply con­tact us and we will let you know whether it can be shipped.

Many cannot ship perfume and other dangerous goods internationally, what is dangerous goods?

Dan­ger­ous goods or haz­ardous mate­ri­als may be pure chem­i­cals, mix­tures of sub­stances, man­u­fac­tured prod­ucts, which can pose a risk to peo­ple, ani­mals or the envi­ron­ment if not prop­er­ly han­dled in use or in transport.

Many dif­fer­ent type of goods which we encounter on a dai­ly basis can be haz­ardous to our health if we come into con­tact with them too often or for too long. There are also sub­stances and mate­ri­als which are dan­ger­ous for trans­port which present obvi­ous risks.

The trans­port of dan­ger­ous goods is reg­u­lat­ed in order to pre­vent, as far as pos­si­ble, acci­dents involv­ing peo­ple or prop­er­ty, dam­age to the
envi­ron­ment, to the means of trans­port employed or to oth­er goods being trans­port­ed. For more infor­ma­tion about ship­ping dan­ger­ous goods by air click here and by road please click here.

There are nine class­es of dan­ger­ous goods, and know­ing which one your item falls under will give us a clear­er pic­ture of how to pack, label and trans­port it. For­ward­Via is accred­it­ed to han­dle and ship per­fume and most com­mon con­sumer dan­ger­ous goods.

You can ship perfume, what are other dangerous goods can you ship?

  • These are some of the com­mon dan­ger­ous goods we ship. Please email us to check if our couri­er can ser­vice your country.

  • Flam­ma­ble and non-flam­ma­ble gas — Spray paints, body and hair spray, aerosol fur­ni­ture pol­ish, aerosol deodorants

  • Flam­ma­ble liq­uids — Per­fume, advent cal­en­dar with per­fume, fra­grance oil, alco­hol over 70%, Nail Pol­ish Remover, Nail Pol­ish, Non water based paint.

  • Flam­ma­ble solids — Clean­ing wipes, nail var­nish remover wipes

  • Cor­ro­sive — Oven clean­ers, paint removers, bleach, sealants, fillers, hair dyes con­tain­ing peroxides

  • Mis­cel­la­neous — Lithi­um bat­ter­ies packed with equip­ment, more than 2 devices con­tain­ing bat­ter­ies with­in a pack­age, airbags (steer­ing wheels), life jack­ets. No stand­alone bat­tery e.g. bat­tery pack, car bat­tery, lap­top bat­tery etcs.

What are the charges to ship perfume and other dangerous goods?

Dan­ger­ous goods can be shipped using DHL only. The total cost depends on the type of dan­ger­ous goods, volume/​weight and ship­ping des­ti­na­tion. The total cost to pay for ship­ping dan­ger­ous goods are as shown below. Sim­ply add 1 + 23:

1. Ship­ping cost — Use our ship­ping cal­cu­la­tor to check prices. Ship­ping via DHL only. Ship­ping cost exclude local cus­tom charge (import tax and duty)

2. Repack­ag­ing fee — Repack­ing to meet ship­ping dan­ger­ous goods rules is com­pul­so­ry and it starts from £7.50 for first kg (£15 for first kg ship­ping by air), sub­se­quent kg is charge­able at £1/​kg

3. Couri­er sur­charges — This is charge­able by couri­er for pro­cess­ing and han­dling of dan­ger­ous goods starts from £10 depend­ing on the type of dan­ger­ous goods

  • For Dan­ger­ous goods in Except­ed quan­ti­ties by air, for exam­ple per­fume vol­ume of up to 30 ml is £15 per car­ton. It can be mul­ti­ple bot­tles per car­ton up to cer­tain weight. Except­ed quan­ti­ties avail­able to cer­tain coun­tries only
  • Per­fume over 30 ml shipped under ID8000 it is £95 per car­ton. It can be mul­ti­ple bot­tles per car­ton up to cer­tain weight. 
  • For Dan­ger­ous goods in lim­it­ed quan­ti­ties by road to Euro­pean Union coun­tries, the couri­er sur­charge is £25 per carton
  • For full IATA Dan­ger­ous Goods by air meet­ing ADR LQ lim­it the couri­er sur­charge is £95 per carton
  • For lit-ion bat­ter­ies installed inside device or packed with device, the max­i­mum bat­tery capac­i­ty must be no more than 100 Whr. The couri­er sur­charge starts from £10. No stand­alone bat­tery e.g. bat­tery pack, car bat­tery, lap­top bat­tery etcs, as these are not allowed.

How do you pack perfume and other dangerous goods for international shipping?

Each type of sub­stance or item is giv­en a unique Unit­ed Nations (UN) iden­ti­fi­ca­tion num­ber, and all dan­ger­ous goods are cat­e­gorised in accor­dance with glob­al­ly recog­nised stan­dards. For exam­ple, per­fume is classed as flam­ma­ble liq­uid, Class 3, and has UN num­ber 1266. When ship­ping per­fume inter­na­tion­al­ly, it is com­pul­so­ry to pack it secure­ly accord­ing to the lat­est IATA Dan­ger­ous Goods Regulations.

The require­ments for pack­ag­ings when ship­ping per­fume inter­na­tion­al­ly is depen­dant on the liq­uid vol­ume, the type of inner pack­ag­ing for exam­ple, the per­fume bot­tle and the total vol­ume or weight. 

In gen­er­al here are the gen­er­al guide using per­fume as an example

  • Per­fume pack­ag­ing must be well con­struct­ed. The per­fume bot­tle for con­sumer use typ­i­cal­ly made of glass and its clo­sures must be of good qual­i­ty and does not react with the liquid
  • Clo­sure for the per­fume bot­tle must be suf­fi­cient­ly tight to with­stand effects of tem­per­a­ture and vibra­tion occur­ring in nor­mal con­di­tions of transport
  • Place the per­fume bot­tles in leakproof lin­er, if the bot­tles do not have retail boxes
  • The per­fume bot­tle must be packed in strong card­board box that has been test­ed and pass the require­ments stat­ed in the regulations.

How can I start shipping perfume and other dangerous goods internationally?

  • 1. Con­tact us at help@​forwardvia.​com and pro­vide us the item details (includ­ing Safe­ty Data Sheet, if avail­able), quan­ti­ty, weight/​volume and ship­ping city and country

  • 2. If we can ship it, you can either sign up to get our UK address or we will pro­vide you our UK address

  • 3. Shop using Your UK Address pro­vid­ed or send us the Dan­ger­ous Goods

  • 4. Wait for deliv­ery. You will get noti­fi­ca­tion once we receive and log your Pack­age from the Store

  • 5. We con­tact you and invoice for you to make payment

  • 6. We arrange inter­na­tion­al ship­ment and ship per­fume or the dan­ger­ous goods to you

Countries we may ship perfume to

See below for the coun­tries we can ship per­fume, nail var­nish, aerosol and oth­er con­sumer com­modi­ties to. There are vol­ume and weight lim­its to each coun­try. For oth­er dan­ger­ous goods, please email us at help@​forwardvia.​com

Note: The list below is sub­ject to change. Con­tact us before you proceed.

Con­tact us before you proceed

Alba­nia Andor­ra Aru­ba
Aus­tralia Aus­tria Bahrain Bar­ba­dos
Bel­gium Benin Bermu­da Bolivia
Bonaire Bosnia & Herzegovina Brazil Bul­gar­ia
Cam­bo­dia Cameroon Cana­da Chile
Colom­bia Cos­ta Rica Curaçao Cyprus
Czechia Den­mark (cer­tain areas only) Domini­ca Domini­can Republic
Ecuador El Sal­vador Esto­nia
Fin­land France Gabon Ger­many
Ghana Guade­loupe Guata­mala Guyana (British)
Hong Kong Hun­gary Ice­land India
Indone­sia (cer­tain areas only) Iraq Israel Ivory Coast
Jamaica Japan Kenya Laos
Latvia Lebanon Liecht­en­stein Lithua­nia
Lux­em­bourg Macau Mace­do­nia (North) Malaysia
Mali Mar­tinique Mex­i­co Mona­co
Mon­tene­gro Moroc­co Myan­mar Nether­lands
New Zealand (cer­tain areas only) Nicaragua Niger Nige­ria
Nor­way (cer­tain areas only) Oman Pak­istan Pana­ma
Paraguay Peru Philip­pines Rwan­da
San Mari­no Sar­dinia Sau­di Arabia Sene­gal
Ser­bia Sici­ly Sier­ra Leone Sin­ga­pore
Sin­ga­pore Slo­va­kia Slove­nia South Korea
St Kitts St Maarten Swe­den Switzer­land
Tai­wan Thai­land Togo Trinidad & Tobago
Turkey Ugan­da Uraguay Unit­ed Arab Emirates
Unit­ed Kingdom Unit­ed States Venezuela Viet­nam

*****Impor­tant Note: The list above is sub­ject to change. Con­tact us before you proceed.*****

More FAQ on shipping perfume and other dangerous internationally by mail or courier

  • Can I mail or ship per­fume domes­ti­cal­ly and inter­na­tion­al­ly using For­ward­Via?
    –> Yes. For inter­na­tion­al des­ti­na­tions, just ask and we will check if it can be shipped there

  • Can you ship sin­gle or mul­ti­ple bot­tles of per­fume from the UK to inter­na­tion­al des­ti­na­tions?
    –> Yes, we can ship sin­gle bot­tle or mul­ti­ple bottles

  • Can you ship per­fume by road and air?
    –> Yes, we can ship by road and air to cer­tain Euro­pean coun­tries. For out­side EU, we can ship by air only

  • Are there addi­tion­al charge for ship­ping per­fume inter­na­tion­al­ly?
    –> On top of the ship­ping cost, there will be couri­er sur­charge and repack­ing fee for each ship­ment. Local cus­tom tax is payable by receiv­er, if applicable

  • What couri­er can you ship per­fume inter­na­tion­al­ly?
    –> We are cer­ti­fied to ship using DHL only. No per­fume ship­ping to inter­na­tion­al des­ti­na­tion using Roy­al Mail or oth­er couriers

  • I man­u­fac­ture or sell per­fumes, can you send it to my res­i­den­tial or busi­ness cus­tomers abroad?
    –> We pro­vide inter­na­tion­al ship­ping of per­fume to res­i­den­tial for per­son­al use and busi­ness­es for com­mer­cial purpose

  • Does ship­ping insur­ance cov­er when ship­ping per­fume inter­na­tion­al­ly?
    –> Ship­ping insur­ance only cov­ers if it is lost in tran­sit, not damages

  • What if I already ordered per­fume to For­ward­Via and ship­ping it inter­na­tion­al­ly cost too much?
    –> No wor­ries, we pro­vide you option to return it to store/​sender or sim­ply have it dis­posed of

  • Why is it so expen­sive to send per­fume and oth­er dan­ger­ous goods to inter­na­tion­al des­ti­na­tions?
    –> Ship­ping dan­ger­ous goods are reg­u­lat­ed and involved addi­tion­al pro­cess­ing time and han­dling require­ments. There­fore, the couri­er charges extra for ship­ping it. Due to the pack­ing require­ment, we charge extra to repack it to meet the reg­u­la­tion pri­or to ship­ping it.

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