Ship­ping Rates

We offer lead­ing couri­er com­pa­nies to ensure you a pre­mi­um deliv­ery expe­ri­ence. Our rates are high­ly com­pet­i­tive. Use Calculator to get rates ↓

Multiple Shipping Options to Abroad

We offer to ship using various Couriers and budget National Carriers like Royal Mail

Shipping Calculator

NOTE: Com­plete the details as accu­rate­ly as pos­si­ble to gen­er­ate ship­ping rates. The rates are live’ rates change on dai­ly basis. Ship­ping rates shown excludes VAT, only if applic­a­ble, and excludes local tax and import duties, advance­ment fee levied by the des­ti­na­tion coun­try are the respon­si­bil­i­ty of the receiv­er.
The actu­al ship­ping cost depends on the weight and dimen­sion of the pack­age when we mea­sure it. Some car­ri­ers are not avail­able for cer­tain goods or to some coun­tries due to restric­tions. The Cal­cu­la­tor will always show all rates. If unsure, just ask.

Clear and Honest Pricing

Shipping rates shown include our handling fee, Carrier's surcharges and supplement and fuel duty. Basically, the price you see is the price you pay us when you order shipping. Note, rates of course based on our measurement when we have the package, and excludes local tax, duty and Carrier's advancement, if applicable. Rates to certain islands that are part of a mainland country may incur surcharge. Some carriers are not available for certain goods or countries due to restrictions.

Premium Member gets addditional 5% discount. The shipping calculator does not include this discount.

Beware other forwarders do not include hidden surcharges and on top of that you got to pay additional sign up and subscription fees. Therefore it is not like for like comparison with our rates.

Carrier Shipping Conditions:

- DHL and Fedex can ship up to 500 kg, and UPS up to 70 kg weight or vol­u­met­ric weight

- Roy­al Mail max­i­mum weight is 2 kg, max­i­mum com­bined dimen­sion (length + weight + depth) is 90 cm with no sin­gle side longer than 60 cm

- We may also ship fur­ni­ture and large pack­ages over 70 kg world­wide, depend­ing on size and our capac­i­ty. You must inform us before send­ing us large goods, else it will be rejected.

- There are items that cer­tain couri­ers can­not ship. For goods that can­not be shipped, please see here for more information

- Haz­ardous or dan­ger­ous goods ship­ping. We can ship Dan­ger­ous goods to cer­tain coun­tries via DHL. Couri­er sur­charge and repack­ing fee apply.

Service Notice:

For­ward­Via is oper­at­ing as usu­al dur­ing this unprece­dent­ed sit­u­a­tion with Covid-19. The Car­ri­ers informed us that there will be inevitable delay with par­cel deliv­ery espe­cial­ly in affect­ed regions. Please allow more time for deliv­ery. There are some can­cel­la­tion of ser­vices. For more infor­ma­tion, please see here.

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