Per­son­al Shop­per Service

Shop UK Stores with Ease. A personal shopper is where we shop on your behalf. This is a service for those who want to buy from UK stores, but can't.

ForwardVia’s Personal Shopper Service

Have your eye on unique items from UK stores but can’t pur­chase due to pay­ment restric­tions or lack of ship­ping options? ForwardVia’s Per­son­al Shop­per Ser­vice bridges that gap, pro­vid­ing seam­less inter­na­tion­al access to UK goods — even from retail­ers that don’t accept non-UK cards or offer world­wide shipping.

What is ForwardVia’s Personal Shopper Service?

Our Per­son­al Shop­per Ser­vice caters to inter­na­tion­al cus­tomers who want to shop from UK stores, whether online or in per­son. Our ded­i­cat­ed For­ward­Via experts han­dle every­thing, from pur­chas­ing to con­sol­i­dat­ing and ship­ping items. Whether it’s lux­u­ry items, lim­it­ed-edi­tion prod­ucts, or UK-exclu­sive finds, our team makes sure they reach you, hassle-free.

Why Choose ForwardVia?

  • Access Any UK Store: We facil­i­tate pur­chas­ing from retail­ers that don’t accept non-UK cards, so you can shop as though you’re in the UK.

  • Tai­lored Ser­vice for Spe­cif­ic Needs: Spec­i­fy the item’s details, such as size, col­or, and quan­ti­ty, for per­son­al­ized, accu­rate shopping.

  • Per­son­al Shop­ping Vis­its in Lon­don: Our team can shop direct­ly from Lon­don-based stores that don’t offer deliv­ery, mak­ing your pur­chase possible.

  • Fash­ion Styling Ser­vice: Need a spe­cial out­fit or acces­so­ry? Our experts can guide you in find­ing the per­fect clothes, jew­el­ry, or acces­sories for any occasion.

  • Assist­ed Pur­chase: If online orders from UK retail­ers aren’t pos­si­ble due to pay­ment restric­tions, we’ll place the order on your behalf.

  • Con­sol­i­da­tion and Stor­age: Save on ship­ping by con­sol­i­dat­ing mul­ti­ple pur­chas­es, with the added ben­e­fit of short-term stor­age if you need it.

  • All-Inclu­sive, Trust­ed, Trans­par­ent Costs: Our ser­vice includes item costs, an admin­is­tra­tive fee, and any required VAT or duties. Ship­ping charges are billed sep­a­rate­ly, so you know exact­ly what to expect.

How It Works

  1. Sub­mit Your Shop­ping Request: Let us know your items, spe­cif­ic stores, and any item details.

  2. Leave the Shop­ping to Us: We’ll make the pur­chase online or in-store and pre­pare your items for shipping.

  3. Deliv­ery to Your Door: Once your order arrives at our UK address, we’ll ship it to you, wher­ev­er you are in the world.

Start Shopping with ForwardVia’s Personal Shopper Service

Ready to access the best of UK shop­ping? Start today with ForwardVia’s Per­son­al Shop­per Ser­vice for a seam­less, per­son­al­ized shop­ping experience!

We are a Trusted, Reliable Shopper. What our customers say

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