Buy and ship from UK to New Zealand

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New Zealander can now buy from the UK and ship to New Zealand

How can I get free UK address to shop and ship to New Zealand?

Cus­tomers in New Zealand love that their UK address with For­ward­Via allows them to buy from the UK and ship to New Zealand. UK For­ward­ing to New Zealand has nev­er been eas­i­er with For­ward­Via. New Zealan­der can get great deals on elec­tron­ics, new and used clothes, make-up, auto/​car acces­sories, gro­ceries, shoes and more! We pro­vide you with an unique UK address and free stor­age in our UK ware­house for you to shop at any UK and Euro­pean stores. Sub­scribe to a pre­mi­um account to get access to ship­ping dis­count and enhanced features . 

Sim­ply use your For­ward­Via address as your mail­ing address when­ev­er you buy items on any British and Euro­pean web­sites includ­ing eBay UK, Ama­zon UK. Have your items shipped to your UK address and we will noti­fy you when your items arrive. Then log in the For­ward­Via web­site, fill out the item details and val­ue, and your par­cel is ready for shipping.

You can choose from mul­ti­ple major Car­ri­ers we offer, includ­ing DHL Express, UPS, Roy­al Mail, DPD and Land­mark BPost via EMS. These are reli­able, secure ship­ping Car­ri­ers at rea­son­able cost.

Why use ForwardVia to ship to New Zealand?

  • Com­bine your orders and ship in one or mul­ti­ple box­es to save on ship­ping cost

  • Concierge ser­vice where we pro­vide assist­ed pur­chase buy­ing on your behalf

  • We offer low cost Roy­al Mail and Land­mark EMS Car­ri­ers ship­ping through New Zealand Pos

  • Sign up free to get instant address to shop. No one-off set up fee nonsense

  • 30 days free stor­age comes as stan­dard, so you can shop and ship when you are ready

  • Reg­is­ter free for basic mem­ber­ship and start shop­ping instant­ly. You can also sign up to our Pre­mi­um mem­ber­ship and take advan­tage of even more dis­count and enhance features

How can I get a free UK address? Sign up for a ForwardVia account

You’ll save mon­ey over oth­er ser­vices because For­ward­Via has many ship­ping options into New Zealand. Cus­tomers in New Zealand love that their UK address with For­ward­Via allows them to com­bine mul­ti­ple items into one box. This is addi­tion­al sav­ings on ship­ping cost. What’s more you can sign up free, no cred­it or deb­it card need­ed and no set up fee.

Sim­ply use your For­ward­Via address as your mail­ing address when­ev­er you buy items on UK and Euro­pean web­sites. Have your items shipped to For­ward­Via and we will noti­fy you when your items arrive. Then log in the For­ward­Via web­site, declare the item details and val­ue, select a car­ri­er and pay to ship your items to New Zealand.

Does ForwardVia offer fast shipping to New Zealand?

For­ward­Via make UK For­ward­ing to New Zealand easy. Shop in any UK retail­ers and ship to New Zealand using your free UK address at For­ward­Via. Log in, fill out your own cus­tom dec­la­ra­tion and select the car­ri­er you wish to use to ship to your home or business. 

Be sure to prop­er­ly declare you items for the fastest pro­cess­ing through cus­toms. Cus­tomers can also ask for pho­tos to be tak­en or make a spe­cial request to have con­tents checked so they can inspect the item to ensure its what they ordered or to sur­vey for damage.

We offer many fast ship­ping options from the UK to New Zealand, includ­ing exclu­sive For­ward­Via car­ri­ers. No oth­er ser­vice gives you more choic­es when ship­ping pack­ages from the UK to New Zealand.

With your For­ward­Via account you can pur­chase the lat­est shoes, clothes, fash­ions, elec­tron­ics, make-up/­cos­met­ics, car/​automotive parts or any­thing else you need from UK and Euro­pean websites.

What can I purchase from UK and ship to New Zealand?

  • It is vir­tu­al­ly lim­it­less of what you can buy from the UK and Euro­pean retailers

  • You can buy new and used cloth­ings and appar­els, Nin­ten­do, PS4, Xbox video games and game con­soles from eBay UK and ship to New Zealand

  • How about shop­ping for lim­it­ed realease sneak­ers from Adi­das, Foot­lock­er, JD Sports and For­ward­Via send it to New Zealand

  • Car parts, musi­cal instru­ments gui­tar, key­board, antiques, fos­sil, leather bags, Syl­van­ian Fam­i­lies, col­lec­table toys and mag­a­zines, you name it and we ship it

  • Fan­cy one-off release from Supreme, use For­ward­Via UK address to purchase

  • What’s more if you unable to pur­chase it for any rea­son, then For­ward­Via can help pur­chase it for you using our Assist­ed Purchase

  • You can use dif­fer­ent names, add to your address when order­ing from UK stores to buy multiple

  • There are also goods that are pro­hib­it­ed that you can­not ship using For­ward­VIa and restrict­ed goods with lim­it­ed ship­ping lia­bil­i­ty. See here for guide.

Where can I shop using ForwardVia's UK address?

Here are some of the UK online shops you can purchase and let us ship to New Zealand. Of course you can purchase from virtually any UK and European online stores

Get cheap, reliable UK forwarding service from the UK to New Zealand

Prices of the ship­ping from the UK to New Zealand are very afford­able. Tra­di­tion­al freight for­warders charge astro­nom­i­cal fees for reship­ping goods. Most of them do not accept small parcels or low vol­ume ship­ping. At For­ward­Via we have no such lim­its, we for­ward from small pack­et of few grams to large item weigh­ing 100 kg. We are proud to offer one of the cheap­est for­ward­ing rates in the UK. In fact, we are the only UK for­warder that pro­vide low cost, local post or EMS ser­vice using Roy­al Mail for pack­ages up to 2 kg, and Land­mark BPost for up to 30 kg. The esti­mat­ed costs and deliv­ery time can be cal­cu­lat­ed using our ship­ping cal­cu­la­tor.

The price of the ship­ping depends main­ly on the dimen­sions of the pack­age, its weight, and the deliv­ery method you choose. To low­er the price to a min­i­mum, choose slow­er deliv­ery meth­ods like Roy­al Mail Econ­o­my, which is a ser­vice with­out tracking. 

The high­er cost meth­ods like DHL Express and UPS are suit­able for those that want to enjoy the con­tent of the pack­age as soon as possible.

The deliv­ery from the UK to New Zealand usu­al­ly takes around 5 busi­ness days with express meth­ods and 10 to 30 busi­ness days with cheap­er, econ­o­my’ methods.

You can sign up to our Pre­mi­um mem­ber­ship and take advan­tage of even more dis­count. This include ship­ping to mul­ti­ple address­es, reduced repack and com­bine fee, 5% dis­count on ship­ping rates, extend­ed free stor­age peri­od of up to 60 days!

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