Ser­vice Update

Some shipping services are affected, please read below

ForwardVia is operating as usual

We want­ed to assure you that For­ward­Via is oper­at­ing as usu­al. We are work­ing hard to get your goods shipped you worldwide.

Deliv­ery time and date pro­vid­ed are esti­mat­ed. I’m afraid none of our car­ri­ers can guar­an­tee the deliv­ery date.


Roy­al Mail — Roy­al Mail Stan­dard deliv­ery can take up to 25 busi­ness days depend­ing on the des­ti­na­tion, and Econ­o­my can take up to 8 weeks. Roy­al Mail Stan­dard (par­tial­ly tracked) ser­vice only pro­vides min­i­mal tracking 

Update 09/12/23 — Due to the ongo­ing sit­u­a­tion in Israel, ship­ping ser­vices to Israel will like­ly expe­ri­ence dis­rup­tions. There may be long delays or cancellations.

Update 07/01/25: Roy­al Mail to Cana­da has been reopened. Cana­di­an Post is still clear­ing the back­log, so expect a long delay. Couri­er options are recommended. 


Our couri­ers have sus­pend­ed ship­ment to cer­tain coun­tries. If you’re order­ing ship­ment of your par­cel, you will only be pre­sent­ed with options that are avail­able. Oth­er­wise, you can use our ship­ping cal­cu­la­tor to check.